My dear friend Debbie, who has come alongside me this year in ways I can’t even begin to express my thanks for, put it like this: “If the tree is back up, does that mean grace is real and at work?”
I told her yes, of course…but I didn’t need a tree to tell me that. Christmas tree topples over? It’s no match for God’s grace. You’re dealing with an impossible situation? Nothing is impossible for Jesus. Age old poverty, war, hunger? Even in the midst of these fallen world circumstances, He is aware and at work in all of our lives.
Then my life-friend Connie (another of God’s foundational supports in my life, always keeping me grounded) sent me the sweetest gift... Knowing my fondness for haiku, she wrote this, which I offer as a Christmas gift to you:
Will Christmas not come
because your tree has fallen?
Will his birthday pass?
No! I say out loud.
Even if there is no tree
His birthday WILL be.
He needs no green tree
to give you child his great gifts
peace, joy, hope, promise.
He is not held back
by fallen trees or life's pain
His birthday WILL reign.
There is no green tree?
May Jesus be your sweet hope-
He WILL be your tree.
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